Question: I’d like to know about hair coloring according to Qur’an
and Hadith. I came to know that it is permissible. Is it right? Please explain
providing evidence from authentic sources of Islam.
Answer: It is permissible to change the colour of one’s greying
hair, to a colour besides black, as long as the material used for coloring hair
is pure and permissible.
Narrated Abu Dharr
Muhammad (pbuh) said: “The best things with which grey hair are changed are
henna and katam (a plant from Yemen which produces reddish-black dye)”. [Sunan
Abu Dawood Vol.3 Chapter 1567 Hadith No.4193]
During the days of the Prophet
(pbuh), the Jews and the Christians used to refrain from dyeing greying hair
because they considered such adornment as contrary to piety and devotion, and
not befitting rabbis, priests and ascetics. The Prophet (pbuh) forbade Muslims
from imitating them (the Jews and the Christians), in order that Muslims might
develop their own distinctive and independent characteristics.
Narrated Abu Huraira
Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said,
"The Jews and the Christians do not dye (their grey hair), so you shall do
the opposite of what they do (i.e. dye your grey hair and beards)." [Sahih
Al-Bukhari Vol.4 Hadith No.3462 & Sahih Muslim Vol.3 Chapter 831 Hadith
However, it is not permitted for a
Muslim man or a woman to dye his/her hair black because of the reports in which
the Prophet (pbuh) instructed the Muslims to abstain from it.
Jabir bin Abdullah reported that Abu
Quhaafah was led (to the audience of the Holy Prophet) on the day of the
conquest of Makkah and his head and beard were white like thughamah (hyssop),
whereupon Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said: “Change it with something but avoid
black”. [Sahih Muslim Vol.3 Chapter 831 Hadith No.5244]
Ibn ‘Abbaas reported the Allah’s
Messenger (pbuh) as saying: At the end of time there will be people who will
use this black dye like the crops of birds; they will not experience the
fragrance of Paradise.” [Sunan Abu Dawood Vol.3 Chapter 1569 Hadith No.4200]
Nevertheless, the use of black dye
is specifically permitted during time of war, with the possibility of
demoralizing the enemy when they see all Muslim soldiers looking ‘young’.
Moreover, dyeing the hair when there
is no grey hair, though not forbidden, is not regarded as following the
Prophet’s example, since it does not serve the same shar’i interests as
achieved by dyeing grey hair.
One must make sure that hair
colouring should not be done as an imitation of immodest or immoral people,
whom some people may mistakenly regard as examples to follow. This is
prohibited because the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever imitates any people is one
of them.” [Sunan Abu Dawood Vol.3 Chapter 1506 Hadith No.4020].
And Allah Knows the Best.
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