Definition of Gheebah
A backbiter is called Mughtaab. Gheebah is to talk
about your brother/sister in such a manner that he/she would dislike it if
told about it. Whether you talk about a physical defect, lineage, manners,
conduct, faith or even his clothes, house or mode of transportation - all
those constitute Gheebah. With reference to a person's body, it could be
stated that he is bald, short, tall, black, yellow, or giving any physical
description the person does not like. In regards to family tree, it could
include stating that his father is a Bedouin, a garbage collector, cobbler,
or anything that he may dislike. In regards to manners and conduct, it could
include stating that he has bad manners, is stingy, arrogant, a coward, is
weak-hearted, irresponsible or the like. In regards to his deeds associated
with religion, it could include statements such as he is a thief, a liar,
drunkard, treacherous, an oppressor, careless about Salah or Zakah, saying he
doesn't perfect his Ruku' or Sujood, he is not careful about avoiding Najasah
(impurities), isn't dutiful to his parents or he doesn't pay Zakah to the
right persons, doesn't distribute Zakah correctly, or he doesn't guard his
Sawm (fasting) from obscenity, backbiting, or talking ill about others. In
regards to his deeds associated with daily living, it could include
statements such as he has no manners with people, he talks too much, he
always sleeps even when it is not time to sleep, or he sits where he
shouldn't. Gheebah statements about someone's clothing could include
statements such as his sleeve is wide, his thobe (shirt) is long, or that his
clothes are dirty.
The Prophet (pbuh) defined
backbiting when he said: "Do you know what is meant by
backbiting?" They said, "Allah and His Messenger know best."
He said, "To say something about your brother which he dislikes."
One asked, "Even if what I say is true about my brother?" He
replied, "If such defects you say are true about him, then you have
backbitten him, and if he doesn't have what you say, then you have committed
slander against him." (Related by Muslim, Abu Dawood, and Tirmidhi)
Hence, it is not allowed to talk
about somebody in his/her absence, even if what was narrated was true. If it
was not true, then it would be a bigger sin and it is called Buhtan (false
Talking about someone else's fault
- even in the absence of that person - with the intention of saving someone
from that person's harm or of getting someone's help in correcting these
faults or of recording one's grievances with the authorities or of any other
imaginable positive reason to discuss such faults, should not be
considered as Gheebah.
It is important to
note that to find other's faults or to talk sarcastically or to defame a
person is called 'Lumz'. In the Qur'an, Allah states: "Do not
defame one another." (Surah Al-Hujurat, 49:11)
It means that when you
find faults in others, they will turn around and find faults in you.
The beauty of this
wording of the Qur'an is that it says that finding faults in others is like
finding faults in you.
Just like Allah
states: "Do not kill yourself." Hence, if you kill others, they
will try to kill you. Allah also says in the Qur'an: "Woe to every
slanderer and back-biter!" (Surah Al-Humazah, 104: 1)
Allah (SWT) made it
clear that defaming another Muslim in his/her absence is like eating the
flesh of one's dead brother (49:12), which obviously, everybody hates.
Hence, it is the most dreadful sin. Note that if the person is present,
he/she may have a chance to defend himself/herself, although everybody does
not have the courage to defend themselves in these circumstances. If,
however, he/she is defamed in his/her absence, the damage is deep and
somewhat permanent.
The tongue alone does
not do backbiting; it can also be done with the eyes, hands and other movements. For example, imitating somebody who is
limping, in order to insult him/her.
Muhammad Rasool Allah (SAS) said:
" Backbiting is a worse sin than adultery." It is further explained
in a saying of the Prophet (SAS), narrated by Abu Sa'eed and Jubair in
Bayhaqi: "Allah may forgive a person if he/she repents after committing
adultery. However, Allah will not forgive the one who backbites, till his/her
victim forgives him/her."
One time, the Messenger of Allah
pointed towards two graves and said to his companions that both of these
people are being punished in their graves. One of them used to backbite
people and the other was not careful about spilling drops of urine of his
clothes and body whilst urinating.
The Prophet (SAS) during
his Me’raj journey saw some people who had nails made of red copper. They
were tearing apart their faces and chests with these nails. The Noble Prophet
asked the Angel Jibrail (AS) about them, He said, “They are being punished
because they used to eat people’s flesh in their lives, i.e. used to backbite
and defame others.
Abu Hurayra (RA) narrates that the
Noble Prophet (SAS) said, “The killing of a Muslim by another unjustly,
usurping others’ wealth or defaming other Muslims is totally forbidden (or
Haram).” (Sahih Muslim)
Note that listening to backbiting
is the same as backbiting somebody. It is better to walk away from such
Backbiting violates the rights of
Allah and the rights of people simultaneously. Hence, it is necessary to ask
for forgiveness from the victim first, since Allah will not forgive until the
victim forgives. If the victim has died or is untraceable, then ransom has to
be paid. Anas (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (SAS) said, “The
ransom for backbiting is to pray to Allah for forgiveness by saying, “ O
Allah! Forgive my sins and his too.”
Making Fun
Backbiting (Gheebah)
can even be making fun of a person. The Prophet (SAS) vigorously opposed all
aspects of backbiting even when it occurred in his own family. For example,
once a woman visited Hadrat Aishah (RAa) and when the woman got up to leave,
Hadrat Aishah Siddiqua (RAa) made a sign with her hand indicating to the
Prophet (SAS) that the woman was short of stature. The Prophet (SAS)
immediately chastised her, saying, "You have backbitten!"
Imam Al- Nawawi, a great scholar,
commented regarding the above Hadith saying, "This Hadith is paramount
with regard to backbiting and I don't know anything more severe than
Nameemah (Tale
Nameemah is the use of speech by
people against each other, wishing to cause corruption. ALLAH says in regard
to this matter:
"...Neither backbite one another. Would one of you
like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it [so hate
backbiting]" (Surah Hujurat, 49:12)
The Prophet (SAS) has clearly
stated, "The gossip-monger will not enter paradise" (Bukhari,
Muslim). Further, when the sin is injurious to others, Islam does not
distinguish between a Muslim and a non-Muslim victim. The Muslim scholars
generally consider backbiting of a non-Muslim unlawful. Defamation, therefore
is a crime punishable by the courts in addition to being a matter of
reckoning in the hereafter...
Guarding the Tongue
"And follow not that of which you have no
knowledge. Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those
ones will be questioned." (17:36)
"Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created. He has
created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has
taught by the pen. He has taught man that which he knew not." (96:1-5)
It is well known that whoever
guards his/her tongue will make fewer mistakes. He will be in control of
himself and avoid from falling into something wrong. The Prophet (pbuh)
guaranteed Paradise for one who guards his/her mouth. He is reported to have
"Whoever gives me surety to
safeguard what is between his jaws and what is between his legs, I guarantee
for him (entrance into) Paradise." [What is between one's jaws is the
Lisan (tongue); and what is between the legs is the Farj (private
Imam Nawawi said, "Be aware
that it is incumbent upon every Mukallaf (competent person in full
possession of his faculties) to guard his tongue against all kinds of talking
except when it is evident that talking will be a means of beneficence. When
talking and being quiet are both equal as a prudent measure, and then the
Sunnah is to abstain from talking. Sometimes even a lawful talking may lead
to unlawful or distasteful matters. This is a common practice, but there is
nothing equivalent to safety." If your tongue is right and straight then
the extremities will be straight. But if your tongue disobeys and indulges in
the private affairs and honor of people, then the extremities will disobey
and Allah's prohibitions will be violated. The Prophet (pbuh) is reported to
have said:
"When the son of Adam gets up
in the morning, all parts of his body deny the tongue saying, 'Fear Allah
regarding us, we follow you. If you are right we shall also be right, and if
you go astray, we shall also go astray.'" Nawawi said that denying the
tongue means to humiliate and submit. Al-Albani said, "It means that the
members consider the tongue as the one denying the favors."
The tongue is a great gift from
Allah (SWT) and a marvelous creation. The size may be small, but its capacity
to obey or disobey can be great. The Kufr (disbelief) can't be distinguished
from Iman (faith) except through the testimony of the tongue. Iman and Kufr
are the ultimate capacity to obey or disobey. The tongue has a very broad
range of functions. It has a large measure of good that can be performed and
a large measure of evil that can be inflicted. If one let go one's tongue,
Shaytaan will take him everywhere and lead him to an edge, then allow him to
fall for his own downfall. The only way to be saved from the evils of the
tongue is to restrain it with the bridle of the Shari'ah (Islamic law). It
should be used, but only for what is beneficial in this life and the
Indeed the tongue controls the
rest of your body. A well-controlled tongue will keep us within Islam but a
loose tongue will destroy us. Instead of swearing, lying and engaging in
useless talk we can use our tongues in better ways and what better than
telling people about Islam. Allah says "Who is better in speech than one
who calls (men) to Allah and works righteousness and says I am one of those
who bow down in Islam" (41:33)
Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn
Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may
Allah bless his soul, said: "It is strange that a person may find it
easy to protect himself from eating Haraam, oppression and injustice,
adultery, theft, drinking Khamr, and from unlawful looking, but it is hard
for him to restrain the movement of his tongue. How often do we see people
who are very cautious about falling into shameful deeds or injustice, but
their tongue lashes against the living and the dead and they don't mind
it."? He further said: "Some people have the disease of criticizing
all the time. They forget the good about others and only mention their faults.
They are like flies that avoid the good and pure places and land on the bad
places and on wounds. This is because of the evil within the self and the
spoiled nature."
Prohibition of Gheebah
Allah has said:
"And spy not, neither backbite against
one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You
would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah. Verily Allah is the One
Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful." (49:12)
"And follow not that of which you have no knowledge.
Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those ones will
be questioned." (17:36)
"Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is watcher by
him ready (to record it)." (50:18)
It was narrated by Abu Musa:
"Some people asked Allah's Messenger (pbuh) whose Islam is the
best?" (i.e., who is a very good Muslim?) The Prophet (SAS) replied,
"One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongues and
hands." He is also reported to have said, "Whosoever believes
in Allah and the Last Day, should talk what is good or keep quiet. Sometimes
a person may utter a word to which he attaches no importance and by it he
falls into Hell farther than the distance between the East and
"And the person may utter a
word which displeases Allah without thinking how serious it is, as a result
of which Allah will record His wrath for him, because of His displeasure
until the Day when he meets Him." (Related by Mu'atta Imam Malik and
'Uqbah Bin 'Aamer asked,
"O Allah's Messenger (pbuh), what is salvation?" He said:
"Control your tongue, keep inside your house, and weep for your
sins." (Related by Tirmidhi)
In one Hadith, Allah's Messenger
(pbuh) took hold of his tongue and then said, "Keep this under
control." When the Sahaba asked, "will we be called to
account for what we say?" He replied, "Won't the people be thrown
face down into Hell on account of the produce of their tongues."
(Related by Tirmidhi).
Now let us see the punishment of
the person that backbites in this life and the Hereafter. The Prophet (pbuh)
said: "O you people who believe with their tongues (meaning those who
pay lip-service to faith), when faith has not entered their hearts, do not
backbite the Muslims and do not expose their faults. Whoever exposes the
faults of his Muslim brother, Allah will expose his faults. And if Allah
exposes his faults, his faults will be open for everyone even if he would
hide inside his house." (Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi).
Backbiting is prohibited by Ijmaa' (consensus). Imam Qurtubi said, "The
Ijmaa' is that Gheebah is a major sin and it necessitates repentance, it is
Wajib (obligatory) to turn to Allah in repentance from it."
Backbiting by writing
Gheebah can also be through
writing, for the pen is one of two tongues. This is the case when the person
tells the truth about others. It is Gheebah and he is Mughtaab, a backbiter.
By doing this he disobeys his Lord and he eats the flesh of his brother. But
if he is lying then he combines Gheebah and Kidhib (lying).
"When people mention others
they may commit one of these three: Gheebah, Buhtan and Ifk, and all are in
the Book of Allah. Gheebah is to say what is true about a person. Buhtan is
to say what is not true about a person. And Ifk is to say what was conveyed
to you." Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: "All things belonging to a
Muslim are unlawful for another Muslim: his blood, his property and his
honor." (Muslim, Ahmad and Bayhaqi) Gheebah deals with honor and Allah
has combined honor with property and blood.
Types of Gheebah
Gheebah has different forms and
may take all kinds of means. The worst type of Gheebah is the one that
combines gossip and riyaa'. An example would be when some person is mentioned
and a man would say: "Al-hamdu lillah that He didn't try us, we would
have been tempted to enter the doors of the sultan, or that we don't demean
ourselves in seeking the ruins of this world." Or one may say, "I
seek refuge with Allah from shamelessness. I ask Allah to protect me from
such." The intention here is to criticize the other person and it is
done in the form of a Du'a (supplication).
One may also praise another person
but the intent is to criticize, such as saying: "How good such-and-such
person is, he never had a shortcoming in his worship but now he is being
lazy. He was tried with something everyone of us is tried with, which is lack
of patience." One would criticize oneself but his/her intention is to
criticize others by doing this. At the same time he praises himself by
showing that he is righteous since he criticizes himself. In this case, he is
Mughtaab, Muraa'ee and praising himself. He combines three shameful deeds and
because of his ignorance he thinks that he is a righteous person who would
not make Gheebah.
Another form of Gheebah is that
one criticizes another person, but the people don't pay attention to what has
been said. So he says, "Subhaan Allah. How amazing!..." so the
people may listen to him and know what he is saying. Or he may say, "I
was hurt to hear about our friend and how he was humiliated. I ask Allah to
relieve him." He is actually lying about his concern regarding the
friend, in his pretense of making Du'a. If he meant to pray for him, he would
have prayed for him while alone.
The Motives for
There may be numerous reasons to
motivate one to make Gheebah. The following examples are among these reasons:
1. Lack of fear of Allah.
Whoever feels the greatness of Allah and acknowledges that Allah is watching
all his deeds and utterances, he would avoid anything that may displease
2. Getting things off one's chest.
A person may do something to upset another. Every time the aggrieved person
feels angry about it, he alleviates the anxiety by making Gheebah about the
other person.
3. Joining a group of friends.
When a group is engaged in a loose talk aimed at slandering others, a person
may think that if he speaks out and tries to stop them they may dislike him
and exclude him. So, he joins them in talking ill about others, assuring that
this is the only way to be acceptable to them.
4. Seeking to raise one's own
status by putting down others. A person may say: "So-and-so person is
ignorant, he is not smart." The intention is to praise oneself and show
that he has more knowledge than the other person.
5. Envy and jealousy. Some person
may be praised by people who like him. A jealous person may hear them and
make Gheebah of the other person, criticizing and insulting him, so that the
people may think differently about the person they have just praised.
Types of Permissible
Gheebah is permissible for a sound
religious purpose that cannot be achieved except by using it. These
permissible types of Gheebah are as follows:
1. Complaint because of an
injustice, such as complaining to a ruler, judge or others in authority. A
person may say in this case: "I was treated unjustly by so-and-so in
such and such matter."
2. Seeking help to change a Munkar
(wrong deed) and to correct the wrongdoers. A person may say: "A person
does such and such, so stop him." His intention should be to check the
Munkar. If this is not the case, then the statement is Haraam.
3. Seeking a Fatwa. A person may
state to the Imam, Mufti or Shaikh, "My father, brother or so-and-so has
treated me unfairly. Is that act permissible? And how do I get out of this
situation? How do I obtain my rights?" This way of seeking a Fatwa is
permissible. However, it is safer and more preferable to say whatever would
be said about a non-specific person as doing such and such, as anonymously as
4. Warning Muslims against evil
and advising them. This could include criticism of untrustworthy narrators or
witnesses. This is permissible by Ijmaa', rather it is mandatory and the
benefit is very clear. Such as consulting in the matters of marriage or a
business partnership. In this case, the person consulted should not hide
anything about the concerned person. He should mention the faulty qualities
only with the intention of benefiting the consultant.
5. Mentioning the person who
indulges in Haraam or Bid'ah openly. This would include mentioning those who
openly drink Khamr or those in positions of authority doing wrong. It is
permissible to mention the sin of such a person. However, it is prohibited to
mention the person with a different sin unless there is a reason that makes
it permissible to do so for that sin.
6. Identifying a person. If a
person is known by a descriptive nickname, such as Al-A'mash (squint-eyed),
Al-A'raj (one who walks with a limp), or Al-Asamm (deaf), then it is
permissible to use these names for identification purposes. But it is not
permitted to use these names if the intention is to insult the person. If it
is possible to identify such person by using another descriptive name, then
it is better and preferable.
Kaffarah (Expiation)
of Gheebah
Committing Gheebah is forbidden by
the Ijmaa' of the scholars, and considered a major sin. Scholars differ in
the Kaffarah of the Mughtaab (backbiter), but they all agree that he/she must
make Tawbah as the first step. Repentance itself has three conditions:
refraining from the sin, regret for the commission of the sin, and
determination not to commit it ever again. Repentance from Gheebah, however,
has an additional condition, a fourth one because the Mughtaab has actually
committed two offenses:
1. One offense is towards Allah
(because he committed an act which Allah has prohibited). The expiation is to
turn to Allah in repentance and to regret what has been done.
2. The other one is against
Allah's creatures. If the Gheebah has reached the person, then forgiveness
must be sought from him and regret must be expressed to him for what has been
said. But if the Gheebah didn't reach the person, then he should pray for the
person's forgiveness and not tell him something he didn't know anyway,
fearing that some evil may result from telling him.
The Cure for Gheebah
The Prophet (pbuh) is reported to
have said: "Do you know who is bankrupt?" The Companions replied,
'The bankrupt amongst us is the person who has no money or property."
The Prophet (pbuh) said, "The bankrupt from amongst my Ummah is the one
who will come on the Day of Resurrection with a good record of Salah, Sawm
and Zakah. But he also had cursed someone, slandered against someone,
unlawfully took the property of another, killed someone or beat someone. Then
all of these abused persons will receive parts of his (abuser's) Hasanaat.
When all of his (abuser's) Hasanaat have been removed from his record after
he (abuser) pays back for what he owes, then the aggrieved persons' sins will
be transferred to and thrown on him (abuser) and he (abuser) will be thrown
into the Fire." (Related by Muslim and Tirmidhi)
The Virtue of Opposing
It is the right of a Muslim to
speak up and oppose Gheebah made against his brother Muslim. He should
protect his brother's honor and defend his reputation in his absence. Should
a person fall short in fulfilling this right, he will be punished sooner or
later. To defend your brother against Gheebah is not something minor. There
are clear and sound Daleels (evidence) that tell us of the virtue of one who
fulfills this obligation. Asmaa' Bint Yazeed said that Allah's Messenger
(pbuh) said: "Whoever defends the honor of his brother in his
absence, will be entitled to Allah's protection from the Fire." (Related
by Ahmad) The Prophet (pbuh) is also reported to have said:
"Whoever defends the honor of his brother, Allah will protect his face
from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection." (Related by Ahmad and
The person who listens to Gheebah
is also a sinner unless he opposes with his tongue or with his heart if he
fears harm. If he can leave the gathering or interrupt and change the
subject, then he should do so. If he says to the Mughtaab, 'be quiet' but he
relishes the gossip in his heart, then such is hypocrisy. He will not be
excused unless he rejects the gossip with his heart. One should take it
seriously and defend his brethren quite explicitly. The Prophet (pbuh) is
reported to have said: "Whoever witnesses the humiliation of a believer
and doesn't support him while being capable of supporting him, Allah will
humiliate him before all the creatures (on the Day of Judgment)."
(Related by Ahmad). Let not the Mughtaab pollute your gatherings and dishonor
the Muslims. You should defend the honor of the Muslims. If you do not do so,
you may be absent one day and this Mughtaab will be eating of your flesh and
you may not find anyone protecting your honor.
"I was only joking". We
treat lies as being trivial. However we are told, "Allah's messenger did
not hate anything more than lying"(Ahmed). The Prophet (SAS) was once
asked "Can a Muslim be a coward?" He (SAS) replied "Yes."
and then was asked "Can a Muslim be a miser?" and the reply was
"Yes." The Prophet (SAS) was then asked, "Can a Muslim be a
liar?" The Prophet (SAS) replied "NO! A Muslim can never be a liar".
Furthermore, he said, "Truth leads to virtue and virtue leads to
paradise...Lying leads to wickedness and wickedness leads to the
hellfire." (Bukhari). As we know that one lie leads to another ten lies,
which lead to bad actions. Remember you can lie and think that you have got
away with it but on the day of Judgement your hands, tongue and feet will
bear testimony against you and tell the truth.
The Best Example
As we know that the best person to
have ever lived is the Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and he is the best of example
for mankind. If we follow him we can never go wrong. Áisha (RAa) the
Prophet's wife described the Prophet's conduct as follows: "He was
neither a obscene talker nor a user of bad words. He did not shout nor did he
repay evil with evil. He used to forgive people and overlook their sins."
(Tirmidhi). Final Advice: A beautiful saying of the Prophet (SAS) that will
ensure the protection of our tongue. The Messenger of Allah (SAS) said:
"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last day, LET HIM EITHER SPEAK
Article on "Suspicion, spying
and backbiting" online at http://www.inter-
2. Article on "BACKBITING" online at
by Abdul Malik Al-Qasim Translated
by Sami Ayoub and Mrs. Vivian Taylor Ayoub, DARUSSALAM Publishers &
Distributors, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
An Islamic blog with scriptural teachings on topical islamic issues based on verdicts from Quran, Hadith, Fiqhiu, Fatwah and thorough researches. Inspiring stories, Islam in history, Islamic Videos and cartoons for Kids, Questions and answers, Current Affairs and News
Monday, November 10, 2014
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