Thursday, November 13, 2014



The Qur’an says that Allah has put a seal on the hearts of the kafirs and they will not believe. Science tells us today that the brain is responsible for understanding and believing and not the heart. Isn’t the Qur’an Contradicting Science?

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1.  Allah has set a seal on the heart of the kafirs
The Glorious Qur’an says:
“As to those who reject Faith it is the same to them
Whether thou warn them or do not warn them;
They will not believe.
Allah hath set a seal
On their hearts and on their hearing and on their eyes is a veil
Great is the penalty they incur.”
                                                            [Al-Qur’an 2:6-7]
2.  The word ‘qalb’ in Arabic means heart as well as intelligence
The Arabic word ‘qalb’ used in these verses means the heart. it also means intelligence. Thus the above verses also mean that Allah has put a seal on the intelligence of the kafirs (unbelievers) and they will not understand and believe.
3.  In the Arabic language heart is also used as a centre of understanding
In the Arabic language the word ‘heart’ is also used to connote one’s centre of understanding.

4.  Several words used in English language whose literal meaning is      different
Even in English language there are several words which are used to explain something, though the literal meaning of these words are different. Consider the following examples
a. Lunatic - struck by the moon

The word ‘lunatic’ literally means struck by the moon. Today people use the word lunatic for a person who is insane or mentally unstable. People very well know that a mad or a mentally unstable person is not struck by the moon. Yet even a medical doctor uses this word. This is normal in the evolution of a language.
b. Disaster – An evil star

The word ‘disaster’ literally means an evil star. Today the word disaster is used for a great or sudden misfortune or calamity. We know very well that a misfortune has nothing to do with an evil star.
c. Trivial – three roads meet

The word trivial literally means where three roads meet. Today the word trivial is used for a something of small nature or little importance. We know very well that if something is of small value it has nothing to do with where three roads meet.
d. Sunrise and sunset

Sunrise literally means rising of the sun. Today when the word sunrise is used most of the people know that the earth is rotating and is moving in relation to the sun. Most of us know that the sun does not rise during sunrise. However even an astronomer uses the word sunrise. Similarly we know that during sunset, the sun does not actually set.
5.   In the English language heart is the centre of love and emotion
In the English language heart means an organ in the body which pumps blood. The same word heart is also used for the centre of thought, love and emotion. Today we know that brain is the centre of thought, love and emotion. Yet while expressing emotions a person is likely to say ‘I love you from the bottom of my heart’. Imagine a scientist telling his wife, ‘I love you from the bottom of my heart’ and the wife replies,  “Don’t you even know the basics of science, that the brain is responsible for the emotions and not the heart? In fact you should say I love you from the bottom of my brain.”
6.   Arabs know that heart is also used for centre of thought and       understanding
No Arab will ever ask the question as to why Allah has sealed the hearts of the kafir because he knows that in this context it refers to the centre of thought, understanding and emotions.

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