Aqeeqah is an all Arabic word originally derived from the key word 'aq' which
means to cut and shred. The occasion is associated with 'cutting' because the
child's head is shaven on the 7th day proceeding birth. Allaamah Asma'ee's
opinion is that 'aqeeqah' designates the child's hair itself at the time of
birth. (Ta'leequl Munjid pg 284)
The Shar'iah Terminology for Aqeeqah
In shariah, aqeeqah symbolizes the offering sacrificed on the 7th day
proceeding birth.
Shari Evidence Corroborating the Act of Aqeeqah
It is clearly evident from numerous ahaadeeth that aqeeqah should be
performed 7 days after a child is born.
Hadhrat Aishah R.A narrates, "The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallanm instructed us to sacrifice two goats in favour of a boy and one
goat in favour of a girl." (TIRMIDHI)
Urnme Kurz (RA.) narrates, "The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallarn
has said, 'Two aq'eeqah should be offered on behalf of a boy and one for a
girl. Nasai pg 165, Abu Dawood pg 422)
Hadhrat Sarnurah Ibn Jundub (RA.) narrates from the Holy Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam, "A child is endowed upon you as a trust in return for
an aqeeqah.
Therefore a sacrifice should be offered on the seventh day, but take care not
to spread blood Over his head." (Nasai pg 166, Abu Dawood part2 pg 423)
Hadhrat Yazeed Al-Muzani narrates from the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam, "Ah aqeeqah should be offered on behalf of a child but do not
apply blood over it's head." (Ibn Majah)
Note: In the days of ignorance, people would customarily rub the child's head
with blood. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Ala/hi Wasallam terminated this
Hadhrat Bareera (R.A.) relates, "In the era of ignorance, when anyone of
us gave birth, an animal would be slaughtered and its blood rubbed over the
child's head. After Allah bestowed us with Islam, we performed aqeeqah,
shaved the child's hair and alternatively applied saffron to the child's
head." (Abu Dawood part 2, pg.87)
Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas has reported, "The Holy Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam sacrificed two camels at the aqeeqah occasion of Hadhrat
Hasan (RA.) and Hussain (RA.)." ( Nasai pg 166)
Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) would also offer aqeeqah for his
children.(Mu'atta Imam Mohammad pg 286)
The above information portrays aqeeqah to be a shar'iah practice which was
also practiced by the Holy Prophet Sallallahu' Alaihi Wasallan,. This
clarifies that the act is a masnoon and desirable practice. Imam Ahmad Ibn
Hanbal (R.A.) declares it to be incumbent. (According to one narration)
When Should Aqeeqah be Performed?
It can be concluded from the saying of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Ala/hi
Wasallam that the correct timing for aqeeqah is on the seventh day. It is
sunnah and virtuous to perform it on this day, however, if due to
inconvenience this is not possible it should not be delayed unnecessarily.
The sooner it is accomplished the better If one wishes to perform aqeeqah on
the 7th, a simple method is to perform it a day before the day the child was
born, i.e., if a child is born on Friday, perform the aqeeqah on Thursday. If
he was born on Thursday aqeeqah would be on Wednesday. By following this
general rule the calculation would be correct. (Beheshti Zewar pg
The Reason for Aqeeqah
It has been narrated in Hadhrat Samurah Ibn Jundub's (R. A.) hadeeth that a
child is an endowment in return for an aqeeqah. The Muhadditheen have
approached this with numerous explanations.
1. The hadeeth implies that a child will intercede on behalf of his parents.
However, if someone, despite being capable, neglects aqeeqah and the child
coincidentally dies as a youngster he will not intercede for his parents. The
child will be of no advantage just like an object that has been kept safe as
a pledge is of no advantage. This statement was made by Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
2. Until the aqeeqah isn't offered the child remains an open target to
calamities and misfortune and is also deprived from virtue and blessings.
After the aqeeqah the child is safeguarded from anything detrimental and
anything provoking pain.
3. A child is a blessing from the Almighty Allah. Aqeeqah is performed as a
thanksgiving for this blessing. (Zaadul Ma-aad Li-ibnil Qayyim)
4. Until the aqeeqah is not performed the child shall not be safeguarded
against calamities but instead will grow up to be disobedient to his parents.
5. When the hair is shaven on the 7th day and aqeeqah is completed, the child
is cleansed from all impurities, (Allah knows best).
6. Mulla Ali Qari (R. A.) states, "Whosoever wills his child to be
obedient, should perform his child's aqeeqah." (Mirqaat part 4 pg 359)
Amount of Sacrifices for Aqeeqah
It can be concluded from previous narrations that two offerings are to be
sacrificed in favour of a boy and one in favour of a girl. It has not been
specified whether the offering should be male or female. Therefore the
animal, which is easiest to obtain, subject to availability should be
sacrificed. Goats, camels and sheep can be sacrificed. The Holy Prophet
Sallallah Ala/hi Wasallani has stated,"Aqeeqah can be performed with
camels, cows or sheep." (Nailul Awtaar and Awnul Ma'bood part 3 pg 65)
The Aqeeqah Offering
Aqeeqah can only be an offering of a legitimate animal. An animal that is not
permissible to sacrifice cannot be offered. A goat or sheep should be over
the age of one. If not, it should be healthy enough, to appear to be one year
old. Neither should the animal be deficient or weak in any way. It is best to
perform aqeeqah of an animal of good quality
Supplication at the Time of Sacrifice
The following supplication should be offered at the time of sacrifice..
'Oh Allah! This is (mention child's name)'s aqeeqah, it's blood instead of
his/her’s and it's bone instead of his/hers and it's skin instead of his/her
skin, it's hair instead of his/her hair, 0 Allah! I make this an offering on
my son/daughter's behalf I turn my attention exclusively towards He who created
the skies and the earth and I am not amongst the polytheists. Oh Allah! From
thee and toward thee. In the name of Allah. Allah is great'
Note: If someone other than the parents is sacrificing on behalf of the
child, mention the child's name and adjoin his father's name with it rather
than 'Binti 'and’ Ibni'.
Whose Responsibility is Aqeeqah?
The person responsible for the child's maintenance is also responsible for
the child's aqeeqah. If the father is not capable then the responsibility
will be on the mother, and if neither is capable then it no longer remains
incumbent. There is no necessity to take a loan in order to fulfill the
The Aqeeqah Meat
Like qurbani meat, it is permissible for anybody to consume aqeeqah meat.
However, it is desirable to divide the meat into three sections. One third to
charity and the remaining two thirds to be distributed amongst friends and
relatives. It is optional as whether the meat is distributed raw or cooked.
All is correct and permissible.
A Few Baseless Misconceptions on the Topic of Aqeeqah
A few innovations have been conjured regarding the principles of aqeeqah.
These are all baseless and hold no relevance to shariah. A few are listed
I. It is commonly believed that the parents, maternal and paternal
grandparents cannot consume the aqeeqah meat. This is a false innovation.
2. People believe it is sinful to injure the animal's bones. This has
no relevance to shariah.
3. Many people insist it is compulsory to perform aqeeqah and the
shaving of the child's hair simultaneously Needless to say, this is also
fabrication; the order of both actions does not matter.
4. It has become a tradition to present the sacrificed animal's
head, feet and hair to the barber and midwife, which is an act that holds no
connection with shariah.
5. It has also incorrectly become a tradition to customarily bury
the above
mentioned parts of the animal. They also incorrectly believe that to consume
the bones is a bad omen.
6. Many have fallen under the false impression that to donate one
third to charity is compulsory, (it is simply desirable).
7. It is not compulsory to distribute the meat raw as is
incorrectly believed by some.
8. Lastly, contrary to popular belief, aqeeqah is not compulsory
and to offer sacrifice on behalf of a deceased child is also unimportant.
Further Responsibilities
The analysis in the above paragraphs briefly summarise the percepts of
aqeeqah. Proceeding further we delve into a further account exercising the
responsibilities upon every parent.
Recitation of Adhaan After Birth
It is the parent's duty to ensure the child is blessed by virtuous wording
when entering this world. Rather than be welcomed by the murmur of worldly
talk and commotion, it is preferable to be greeted by the proclaiment of
Almighty Allah's magnificence and to hear confirmation of the Holy Prophet's
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam prophecy. This was also the practise of the Holy
Prophet Sallallahu Allahi Wasalam as we acquire from the following ahaadeeth.
Hadhrat Abu Raafe (R. A.) recounts an act of the Holy Prophet's Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam, and describes thus;
"I witnessed the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam reciting the
(Call to prayer) to Hadhrat Hasan ibn Ali (R.A.) when his daughter Fatima
gave birth to him." (Tirmidhi)
The commentator of Mishkaat Mulla All Qari recounted the numerous attributes
of reciting adhaan to a newborn child. He writes, 'the philosophy and
academic virtue of reciting adhaan to a new born child is such that it
compromises both faith and invitation towards prayer in the primitive speech,
which is the most prominent Maintenance’.
Declaration of the Kalimah expresses faith, and the call to prayer inspires
actions. Thus, adhaan stimulates the inducement towards all actions
aggregately, which is the motivation of adhaan. The previous ahaadeeth only
illustrates the virtues of reciting the adhaan in the baby's ears. Details in
alternative ahaadeeth establish that the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallani recited the adhaan in the right ear, and the iqaamah in the left
ear. This is the masnoon method.
Mulla Ali (R. A.) states, "This justifies that recitation of adhaan in a
child's ears is a masnoon resolution."
Similarly, it has been reported, "When a child was born Hadhrat Umar Ibn
Abdul Aziz (RA.) would recite the adhaan in his right ear and the iqaamah in
his left."
The above stated narrations denote the primitive duty of a parent to be the recitation
of adhaan in the child's ear, which collectively implants Allah's Subhaanahu
wa ta’aala and his Prophet's Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam recognition deeply
into the mind and psyche of a baby. If one chooses to recite any other
phrasal verse such as Surah Ikhlaas then this would also prove sufficient.
Tahneek and Duaa'e Barakah
Due to the Companions' (R.A.)
unconditional love and devotion to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu A laihi
Wasallarn they would present their child in the company of the Holy Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallarn and would request that he pray for the child's
morality and benevolence. Whenever this situation occurred, the Holy Prophet
Sallallahu A laihi Wasallam would offer supplication on behalf of the child
and thereafter chew upon a date and place a little in the child's mouth. This
practice is recognised as Tahneek.
Hadhrat Aa'ishah (R.A.) relates, "Whenever children were brought in the
presence of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam he would pray for the
child and perform tahneek.
Hadhrat Abu Musa Ash'ari (RA) relates, "Following the birth of my child,
I brought it in the presence of the Holy Prophet Sallallhu Alaihi Wasallam.
He named him
Ibrahim, performed Tahneek with a chewed morsel and prayed for his welfare
and prosperity."
Hadhrat Asma bint Yazeed (R. A) after migrating to Madinah gave birth to
Abdullah Ibn Zubair at the site of Qubah. She reports, "I arrived before
the Holy Prophet Salkillahu Alaihi Wasallam with my offspring and placed him
in Rasullullah's Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's blessed lap. The Holy Prophet
Saliallahi' Alaihi Wasallam sought a date and after chewing on it placed it
in my baby's mouth." Thus the first morsel to enter his mouth was the
Holy Prophet's Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam blessed saliva. He then applied the
chewed date to his palate and prayed for him and blessed him. The
supplication offered by the Holy Prophet Saltallahu Alaihi Wasallam is as
'Oh Allah, grant him rectitude and taqwah and promote him in Islam' (Sharah
Shariatul Islam)
Many incidents relating to tahneek are recorded in ahaadeeth from which we
derive that it was the common practice of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu A laihi
Wasallani. Therefore one should present his newborn before the pious and
saints and request that tahneek be performed. Insha-Allah, by practicing upon
this Sunnah the child and it's parents will reap worldly and religious
To Give Charity, Equivilent to the Weight of a Child's Hair
The child's hair should be shaven, weighed and the equivalent amount of
silver given to charity. The following ahaadeeth emphasizes this Sunnah:
1. Hadhrat Ali reports, "The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam sacrificed a lamb on behalf of Hadhrat Hussain (R. A.) and
instructed Hadhrat Fatimah (R.A.) to shave his hair and donate the equivalent
weight in silver to charity. Thus Hadhrat Fatimah (RA.) acted accordingly.
The weight was equivalent to approximately one or two dirhams."
2. Imam Hakim (R.A.) relates from Hadhrat Ali (R. A.) that even
on the birth occasion of Hadhrat Hasan (R. A.), the Holy Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallani
instructed Hadhrat Fatima (R. A.) to donate the equivalent amount to charity.
The Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wasallam also donated the equivalent amount
to the weight of Hadhrat Fatima's hair to charity. (Talkhees Allamah
3. Hadhrat Imam Mohammad Baqir (R.A.) narrates, "Hadhrat Fatima
(R.A.) gave the amount equivalent to her daughter Zainab's (R.A.), Umme
Kuithum's (R.A.), and her sons Hasan's (RA.) and Hussain's (RA.) hair to
charity."(Mu'atta Imam Mohammad pg 286)
The above narrations show that to offer the equivalent amount of the weight
of a child's hair in silver is Sunnah.
Order Regarding Shaved Hair
After the hair has been shaved one should strictly refrain from disposing
them in a filthy atmosphere, as this invites illness. However, they should be
carefully buried in a safe area or dispose of it in a flowing stream/river
Applying Saffron to a Child's Head
In the days of ignorance it was a ritual habit to apply the blood of the
sacrifice on the child's head. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
advised us to refrain from this. Hadhrat Aishah (R. A.) relates, 'Apply
Khalooq to the child's head rather than blood'. Khalooq is the name of a
fragrance, made from a concoction of saffron and other ingredients. To
falsely believe blood prevents illness is wrong, and to act according to this
superstition is a sin.
Circumcising a Child
It is a right upon every parent to circumcise his/her child. The Holy Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned circumcision when recounting the deeds
amongst fitrah (sunnah).
Hadhrat Ali Murtadha (R.A.) says, "The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasaltarn circumcised my children (Jam'ul-Fawaa'id pg2 11).
According to Imam Abu Hanifa's (R.A.) school of thought circumcision is a
sunnah. The majority of the ulamaa hold the same opinion, and due to the fact
that it is a sign that represents Islam, to carry out this deed is
compulsory. If any nation
Unanimously agree on refuting this Sunnah in such circumstances, it is
compulsory for the Imam of such a community to persuasively circumcise the
It is narrated in the renowned fiqh kitab Shaami; "The conclusion is,
circumcision is a Sunnah and a distinctive symbol of Islam. It can not be
condoned without valid reason." (Durrul Mukhtar part 5 pg 734)
One should momentarily consider the significance of circumcision. The Holy
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallanm said , "Whosoever enters the fold of
Islam should shave the hair of infidelity and perform circumcision."
(Abu Dawood)
Conclusively, we find circumcision is an important factor of Islam's
distinctions. The ulamaa have stated worldly as well as religious benefits
and the present day doctors also admit that circumcision relieves one from
numerous illnesses. Circumcision causes purity and cleanliness.
What age Should Circumcision be Carried Out?
A child is normally circumcised on the seventh day after birth. The Holy
Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam circumcised his children at this age.
Reports from experiments agree that if circumcised at this stage the child is
relieved from excess pain and is also much more convenient for family
However, if due to inconvenience this is not possible, it is acceptable to
perform it a few days earlier or later than schedule, although the masnoon
and desirable date is specifically the seventh.
Allamah Ayni comments after relating a practice of the Holy Prophet
Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, "It is preferable to circumcise on the
seventh day proceeding birth, complying with the Holy Prophet's Sallallahu
Alayhi Wasallam performance with Hadhrat Hasan and Hussain (R.A); they were
both circumcised on the seventh day." (Umdatul Qaari part 10 pg 514)
(These are extracts translated from the kitab 'Awlaad ke Huqooq' written by
Moulana Bilaal Sahab of Bury, UK)
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